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Uta no☆Prince sama ~Shining Live~ is a gacha-based rhythm game featuring the idols of STARISH and QUARTET NIGHT.  This section describes the basic mechanics of the game and does a walkthrough of how to start the game.

** Note that the terminology used here will largely be for the Japanese release of the game.  If the terminology used in the English/Global release is different, I'll do my best to note it accordingly.


Disclaimer: the tips included in this guide are solely the opinion of the webmaster and certainly not the only or best methods.


REROLLING is the process of repeatedly re-installing the game until you begin with the character(s) of your preference. You will find that upon starting the game, you will be given for free:

  • one solo (x1) gacha scout (in the game known as a "Photoshoot")

  • one multi (x11) Photoshoot - 10 regular scouts + 1 guaranteed SR+ scout

  • one guaranteed UR Photoshoot of the idol of your choice


For a little bit more work to complete beginner missions (~ half an hour's worth), you will get:

  • one more multi (x11) Photoshoot's worth of Prisms (in-game premium currency)


Within this set of almost-freebies, you should be happy with at LEAST 2 cards (of boys you like, at a rarity/strength you're comfortable with), otherwise you should reroll.  This is because the rate of hitting a card of desire is 1% or less, depending on what you are aiming for, and the premium in-game currency used for scouting (Prisms) is not easy to come by for free.


TYPES OF CARDS are as follows:

  • R cards - 88% probability - max stat: single copy ~2133, max rank ~2720

  • SR cards - 10% probability - max stat: single copy ~2960, max rank ~3750

  • UR cards - 2% probability - max stat: single copy ~4125, max rank ~5250


You can clearly see that UR cards are most useful stat-wise, but are much harder to get. They also each have 2 stills/posters (i.e. really pretty character art) per card whereas SRs only have 1. The only time you will get to re-try the Photoshoot over and over without costing copious amounts of Prisms is right at the beginning when you start the game, hence the importance of the reroll.



For iOS

For Android and emulators



EXP ORBS are a priority when you first begin the game. Cards are generally only of use after they have been fully leveled.  If you are lucky enough to have joined the game on a Wednesday (US time)/Thursday (Asia time), you can play the Campaign Songs to collect a lot of EXP and SKILL orbs at one go.


Campaign Songs can only be played TWICE each, and there are a total of 3 EXP/SKILL Campaign Songs available for just 24h. 


Since Campaign Songs can only be played twice each, you can maximize your earnings by using the Boost function.  Boosting the song by x3 also multiplies the drops you get by x3, as well as the EXP you earn from the song that goes toward your Player Level.


If you were not lucky enough to have started the game on a Wednesday, do not fret!  The normal songs in the "Live Show" also drop EXP orbs, but simply at a much lower rate.  Just be patient and you'll get there.


SKILL ORBS, while not crucial in early-game, are RARE. Spend them wisely (preferably only on URs).  Skills can add >5% to your score per card when fully maxed, but collecting enough Skill Orbs to do so takes forever.  Keep this in mind if you're lucky enough to collect some.



It is most important to choose a strong team when participating in Events, but a solid team also aids you in reaching S scores in Hard and Pro mode on regular songs in order to gain Prism rewards to scout for more boys.


Ke'ri has an amazing beginners' guide for methods of choosing your team, how scoring works, along with other pertinent advice for early-game.  Read it thoroughly!!


She mentions "Min-maxing" a couple of times, which is where you try to get the highest possible points for the least possible Prism expenditure using the cards you have.  If you feel like you're advanced enough for this, check out the Advanced Guide, as well as the Calculators, which automate the optimization process.



This is definitely one of the first things you should do once you have re-rolled an account to your liking.  Unlike some other games where a game ID and password is sufficient to recover a lost account, Shining Live can ONLY be recovered via link with a Twitter ID, KLab ID or to your phone's Game Center.


Find the option shown in the images above and link ASAP.  If you're playing JP but don't understand Japanese, the sequence of screenshots should help.


If you're playing JP and don't understand Japanese, or if you're just unfamiliar with navigating game menus in general, check out Mikazelicious' comprehensive UI walkthrough!




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