Excel-based team builder updated and improved from fuzzytipsy's and Jade's versions below.
1. Varying Leader and Support Skill considered
2. Subskills included
3. Extra Stamina Notes to score implemented
4. Score battle calculator implemented
Any suggestions to improve the user interface or the calculations, or if you find something wrong with the calculations, feel free to message crucixX.
[EN] EVENT TEAM BUILDER (author: fuzzytipsy)
This team builder is a modified version of the team builder by Jade, changes include:
Switched to using EN terms only, i.e. "Charm" instead of "Act"
There is now a second results page that displays the best teams for auto play, as well as the original results page for manual play
Color coding of cards and songs on some pages, this may not work in OpenOffice
Tweaked the manual builder to make it more accurate
Various optimizations
Changed Settings page so that # of Perfects is auto calculated from other numbers instead of # of Misses
Bolded points that hit the hard cap in the Efficiency Calculator
To use, follow the instructions on the settings page. Contact fuzzytipsy on reddit or discord if you have any issues.
You must use Excel or an equivalent program for the spreadsheet to work. Google Sheets will not work!
EXCEL TEAM BUILDER BASE (updates discontinued)
[Last updated 5th Mar 2018 - Song Database Range Fix]
Jade is no longer updating the team builder as of 5th March. It's still functional, but...
For new, improved team builders, see developer team builders below!
If you've read the Advanced Scoring Guide, you'll know that the in-game omakase generally does a terrible job of picking the strongest teams for you during an event. While it is possible to intuit the strongest team, sometimes the number of notes in a song / type of scoring card makes it difficult to judge. This calculator features:
Estimated score calculation for each song, given your cards
Takes into account all card skills and player's ability level
Auto-assembles highest scoring teams
Gives best Main and best Supporter choices
Compatible with Excel, OpenOffice and WPS (NOT Google Sheets)
Manual team builder to compare alternative teams and double check the auto algorithm
**NOTE: If you have downloaded a version before 31st January 2018, you're on an old version. Changes include:
Removal of event point estimation (too much manual calibration needed per event)
Removal of boost suggestions (as a consequence of the above)
Corrections to some minor math errors in cut-in bonus boosts
Addition of Manual Builder w/ skills for cross-checking purposes
WHICH SONG DO I BOOST? - Go to Google Sheets
Bare bones boost efficiency calculator, perfect for new players. No frills, just put in your points on each song and see which boost profile gives you the most points per LP.
Need to know whether it's worth spending those prisms to tier? For tiers up to 3-4%, you often turn a prism profit in addition to getting a high ranked boy. But if you want to know the damage beforehand, here are your essential planning tools:
Note: Most of these calculators are equivalent, it's just a matter of what UI you prefer...
PRISM CALCULATOR (by LadyLancer) - Go to Google Sheets
ALTERNATIVE PRISM CALCULATOR (by Jenni) - Go to Google Sheets
GRAPHICAL PRISM CALCULATOR (by Jade) - Download to Excel/OpenOffice